The Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest (No. 201303046), the Independent Innovation of Agricultural Sciences Program of Jiangsu Province (No. CX(14)2089).
Based on gram positive enhancer matrix displaying technology, we designed and evaluated a bacteria-like particle vaccine against swine type O Foot-and-mouth disease virus. Three optimized genes of type O Foot-and-mouth disease virus strain Mya98 were cloned into recombinant prokaryotic expression vector pQZ-PA and renamed as pQZ-BT1B-PA, pQZ-BT2B-PA and pQZ-B (T1BT2) 4B-PA, fused with an anchor protein (PA) binding to Gram-positive enhancer matrix (GEM) particles specifically. The protein expression was identified with SDS-PAGE and Western blotting, and then purified with GEM particles. Five-week old female mice were randomly divided into six groups and all the immunization was developed according to subcutaneous injection. Mice in the first three groups were injected with 50 μg/dose GEM-BT1B, GEM-BT2B and GEM-B (T1BT2) 4B, respectively. Mice in the fourth group were immunized with commercial peptide vaccine as positive control. The fifth group vaccinated with host E. coli transformed with pQZ-PA fulfilled as negative control. Mice in the last group injected with sterile PBS served as blank control. The humoral immunity of recombinant protein vaccine was evaluated with peptide-specific antibody and LPB antibody. The cellular immunity was evaluated with lymphocyte proliferation test and cytokine expression detection. SDS-PAGE and Western blotting showed that the most part of soluble target fusion protein have been purified and displayed on GEM particles. Vaccine GEM-B (T1BT2) 4B stimulated mice produce not only higher level of specific antibody against peptide and Foot-and-mouth disease virus specific liquid phase blocking antibody, but also more vigorous spleen lymph proliferation and higher levels of Th1 type cytokines. To summarize, vaccine of GEM-B (T1BT2) 4B possessed good immunogenicity and opened a new way for further Foot-and-mouth disease virus subunit vaccine design.
侯立婷,陈瑾,乔绪稳,于晓明,侯继波,郑其升,李槿年. 猪O型口蹄疫病毒细菌样颗粒疫苗的制备与免疫原性鉴定[J]. Chinese Journal of Biotechnology, 2017, 33(2): 217-227
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