Science and Technology Innovation Fund for College Students of Yangzhou University, China (No. 20200665), National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 31872977, 32002146), Jiangsu Agriculture Science and Technology Innovation Fund, China (No. CX(19)2016), Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions, China.
Estrogen receptor (esr) mediates the effects of estrogen on the expression of related genes, thereby regulating the growth and reproduction of mammals. To investigate the effect of retrotransposon insertion polymorphism (RIP) of the porcine esr gene on porcine growth performance, retrotransposon insertion polymorphism of the esr gene were predicted by comparative genomics and bioinformatics, and PCR was used to verify the insertion polymorphisms in different porcine breeds. Finally, the correlation analysis between the genotypes and performance of Large White pigs was conducted. The results showed that four retrotransposon polymorphic sites were identified in the esr1 and esr2 genes, which are esr1-SINE- RIP1 located in intron 2 of the esr1 gene, esr1-LINE-RIP2 and RIP3-esr1- SINE located in intron 5 of the gene, and esr2-LINE-RIP located in intron 1 of the esr2 gene, respectively. Among them, insertion of a 287 bp of SINE into intron 2 of the esr1 gene significantly affected (P<0.05) the live back fat thickness and 100 kg body weight back fat thickness of Large White pigs. Moreover, the live back fat thickness and back fat thickness at 100 kg body weight of homozygous with insertion (SINE+/+) was significantly greater than that of heterozygous with insertion (SINE+/–) and homozygous without insertion (SINE–/–). Therefore, esr1-SINE-RIP1 could be used as a molecular marker to assist the selection of deposition traits in Large White pigs.
迟诚林,安亚龙,李凯媛,顾浩,王赛赛,陈才,高波,宋成义,王宵燕. 猪esr基因反转录转座子插入多态性及其与大白猪生产性能的关联性分析[J]. Chinese Journal of Biotechnology, 2021, 37(8): 2794-2802
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