

Regulatory roles of DGAT and PDAT genes in plant oil synthesis
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    我国植物油料产需缺口大,严重依赖进口。二酰甘油酰基转移酶(diacylglycerol acyltransferase,DGAT)与磷脂:二酰甘油酰基转移酶(phospholipid:diacylglycerol acyltransferase,PDAT)是负责三酰甘油合成并影响植物油脂产量和品质的两个关键酶。本文综述了DGATPDAT基因的国内外研究进展,重点总结了二者在油料植物油脂合成中的生物学功能,在逆境胁迫下影响植物脂质代谢与生长发育的分子机制,以及合成生物学背景下DGATPDAT基因在驱动油脂合成中的重要作用,同时对深入开展DGATPDAT基因的机理研究与应用进行了展望,为深入了解植物油脂合成的分子机制,利用DGATPDAT基因改良油料作物品质、提高油料产能提供了依据。


    There is a large gap between production and demand of plant oil in China, which leads to the heavy reliance on imports. Diacylglycerol acyltransferase (DGAT) and phospholipid: diacylglycerol acyltransferase (PDAT) are two key enzymes responsible for the synthesis of triacylglycerol, thereby affecting the yield and quality of plant oil. This paper comprehensively reviews the research progress in DGAT and PDAT in terms of their biological functions in plant oil synthesis, the molecular mechanisms of regulating plant lipid metabolism, growth, and development under stress, and their roles in driving oil synthesis under the background of synthetic biology. Furthermore, future research and application of DGAT and PDAT are prospected. This review aims to provide a basis for deeply understanding the molecular mechanism of plant oil synthesis and improving the quality and productivity of oil crops by the utilization of DGAT and PDAT genes.

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    发 布

吴杨,刘萌娟,王幼宁,李得孝,杨玉花,张庭军,周会汶. DGATPDAT基因在调控植物油脂合成中的作用[J]. 生物工程学报, 2025, 41(1): 216-229

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