

Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of TCP gene family in Docynia delavayi (Franch.) Schneid.
  • ZHANG Baoyue

    ZHANG Baoyue

    Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Conservation and Utilization of Mountain Forest Resources in Southwest China, Southwest Forestry University, Kunming 650224, Yunnan, China;Key Laboratory for Forest Genetic and Tree Improvement &Propagation in Universities of Yunnan Province, Southwest Forestry University, Kunming 650224, Yunnan, China
  • LIU Guoping

    LIU Guoping

    Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Conservation and Utilization of Mountain Forest Resources in Southwest China, Southwest Forestry University, Kunming 650224, Yunnan, China;Key Laboratory for Forest Genetic and Tree Improvement &Propagation in Universities of Yunnan Province, Southwest Forestry University, Kunming 650224, Yunnan, China
  • TIAN Jinhong

    TIAN Jinhong

    Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Conservation and Utilization of Mountain Forest Resources in Southwest China, Southwest Forestry University, Kunming 650224, Yunnan, China;Key Laboratory for Forest Genetic and Tree Improvement &Propagation in Universities of Yunnan Province, Southwest Forestry University, Kunming 650224, Yunnan, China
  • WANG Dawei

    WANG Dawei

    Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Conservation and Utilization of Mountain Forest Resources in Southwest China, Southwest Forestry University, Kunming 650224, Yunnan, China;Key Laboratory for Forest Genetic and Tree Improvement &Propagation in Universities of Yunnan Province, Southwest Forestry University, Kunming 650224, Yunnan, China
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    云南栘[木衣](Docynia delavayi (Franch.) Schneid.)作为一种经济林果树,具有较高药用和食用价值。TCP (Teosinte branched1/Cycloidea/Proliferating cell factor)基因家族在植物整个生长发育过程中发挥着重要的作用。为探讨云南栘[木衣]TCP基因家族在其生长发育过程中的作用,本研究利用生物信息学方法对云南栘[木衣]TCP基因家族进行了全基因组鉴定,并分析了其在种子萌发和果实发育不同时期的表达水平。结果显示,云南栘[木衣]共有18个DdeTCP基因,不均匀地分布在11条染色体上。系统进化分析结果显示,DdeTCP在Class Ⅰ中有3个成员,Class Ⅱ类有15个成员,表明DdeTCP家族成员间出现了功能分化。基因表达模式分析显示,AtTCP14同源基因DdeTCP11在种子萌发前期具有较高的表达水平,表明其可能在种子萌发时期发挥重要作用。此外,聚类在Class Ⅰ中的DdeTCP16在果实成熟期表达量较高,推测其可能与果实成熟有关。本研究为进一步探索DdeTCP基因家族在云南栘[木衣]生长发育过程中的功能奠定了基础。


    Docynia delavayi (Franch.) Schneid. is an economic fruit plant with high medicinal and edible values. The TCP gene family plays a vital role in plant growth and development. To explore the function of the TCP gene family in the growth and development of D. delavayi. In this study, the TCP gene family (DdeTCP) members were identified from the D. delavayi genome and their expression levels at different stages of seed germination and fruit development were analyzed. The results showed that a total of 18 DdeTCP genes were identified from the D. delavayi genome, with uneven location on 11 chromosomes. The phylogenetic tree showed that the 18 DdeTCPs could be classified into class I (3) and class II (15), suggesting that functional differentiation occurred among the DdeTCP family members. DdeTCP11 highly homologous to AtTCP14 was highly expressed in the early stage of seed germination, which suggested that this gene played a key role in seed germination. In addition, DdeTCP16 in class I had a high expression level during the fruit ripening stage, which indicated that it might be related to fruit ripening. The findings lay a foundation for probing into the roles of the DdeTCP gene family in the growth and development of D. delavayi.

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    发 布

张宝月,刘国平,田金红,王大玮. 云南栘[木衣]TCP基因家族全基因组鉴定与表达分析[J]. 生物工程学报, 2025, 41(2): 809-824

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